Conversation Between HienkyakuX and Ryno

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Whoa! Happy Birthday Hien! that was quick! LoL HIGH and 5!
  2. Happy birthday
    Hien! of 2012!
    deng 4 years in a row of birthday greets! I ROCK! haha!
    how time flies.

    I say.. Nate dog and I are like legendary. LoL
  3. Happy birthday Hien! Hope u have a great one!
  4. hello. how are you? didnt know that was you.
    never knew you were a member.
    yeah ive known about pso-world in 2003 just didnt join the forums. when i played PSOX. but joined when PSU came. lol. we should party more often.
  5. Thanks Ryno. btw think I still don't have your card.
  6. Happy Birthday Hien!
  7. Hey thanks cg on the casino btw
  8. Happy Birthday Hien!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8