Conversation Between deathSTALKER and Wynn<3

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Do you have Sazonde on Square or on Triangle? if it's on triangle then that's your problem.
  2. i'm talking about 1,2,3 chains that goes up when you cast sazonde on enemies and they are bouncing like balls.. i saw it fron your post videos, how come mine does not result to a chain? is it because of my low level 21 sazonde or am i missing something? huhuhuh.. please help me. thanks by the way for your reply.. have a nice day!!!
  3. What do you mean not chain?
  4. hello wynn.. i just want to ask you something.. unlike what i saw from your previous videos, why is it that when i am spamming sazonde, it does'nt chain to enemies? am i missing something? merry christmas by the way hehe..
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