Conversation Between Jaspaller and Pballer42

18 Visitor Messages

  1. yeah man i got a job a few weeks ago and its been pretty good finally making money again...but i start school again the middle of august so im getting ready for that
  2. I think the best way I can sum it up is... jack shit. I honestly haven't been doing anything besides playing the games. No school, no work. Think I might head back to school though soon.
  3. oh yeah man i get ya on that...what else you been up too bro
  4. nah, I mean, you're not missing much if you don't play the game at all.
  5. oh is it starting to die out?
  6. Eh, you're not missing much from this game.
  7. dang i missed that if only you didnt have to pay monthly for psu i would get on that fast
  8. Dang, that sucks. Well, there's an event going on if you haven't noticed yet. Boosted Exp and what not. It's going on for another week or something so if you want to get some easy levels in, you might want to get on before the event is over.
  9. Jas my Xbox 3 Red Ringed two weeks ago...but im almost done with school so i will prolly try to get on PSU or something soon
  10. fosho man ill have to check that out
  11. Right on. I could try to get you caught up and introduce you to some of my buddies if you do decide to get on.
  12. i was thinkin about getting into PSU i still have it i just dont have the online if i decide to get on there i might message you
  13. Nah. I've been back on PSU for quite a while now. My account is still active, but unless people need me I probably won't be getting on much at all.
  14. i kno right its been a while...nahh im up at school and i left BB on my family not sure if my laptop can handle it lol the internet here isnt very you still play?
  15. Damn, been a while since you've been on here. Still play Blueburst?
  16. shit mane i finnally got back on here
  17. haha i kno rite. im still tryin to figure it all out. ohh im lvl 45 now on BB lol. ive finally had time to play
  18. hah, this shit is like Myspace. Might as well call it PSOspace
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 18 of 18