Conversation Between 8BitGinno and Rashiid

8 Visitor Messages

  1. That just kicks mine right out of ze water! lol. Very nice though.
  2. Yeah, they stop us from using large sigs and such.

    Here's one of mine from a Star Wars forum.

    I also made the small userbars I use here on PSOW. Graphic designers unite!
  3. Thanks :3
    I tend to use a lot of effects and stuff with sigs, so they never fit here unless I shrink them beyond belief or completely murder the quality, which I refuse to do.
    This was the original size of my current sig.

    And, well, you see what I had to do in order to make it fit xD
    It looks like a game bar though, which works for me.
  4. Niiice! Very stylish. I like!
  5. I have 'em scattered around my Photobucket.

    Here are a few:

    And my profile picture is one as well.
  6. Ah, I'm the same. Just an amateur. You should still put up some of the stuff you've done though!
  7. Oh I'm still in college I just do random internet requests from boards as of now, lol. I guess I should change my title to "Unofficial Graphic Designer." I generally just make avatars and sigs for now.
  8. Hey, I took notice of your title. I like working on graphic designs as well.

    Where's your stuffs? Your albums of your work? I wanna see some of your work, man!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8