Conversation Between ArcaneAngelz of MOL and Lacen

2 Visitor Messages

  1. alright thanks, I did had more members than that but I cancel them cause some never came on the site so yea, but cool you can do that.
  2. Yo, let me know if you need any help with your group on PC/PS2 side. I wouldn't mind helping out you or the people in your guild. I need something to ease the boredom and loneliness on there anyway. =P I don't know about officially joining though... Think of me as an ally of sorts who helps out on the side from time to time. =] Just let me know if you need me. In-game name is Lacen. So look me up sometime. I took a look at your guild member list and I think I know or have met a few of them. Well, take it easy then and take care. I'll catch you later.
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