Conversation Between Alia and Fusionxglave

8 Visitor Messages

  1. you are welcome always nice to have more players
  2. omg thank you sooooo much! I was able to access player shops after resetting my password in game, which it finally gave me the option for! I sincerely appreciate you help through this! Thanks!
  3. I would also like to point out this conversation if it applies to your case, If it does not than you can ignore it.

    Since the DDos attack player where sent authentication key to reaffirmed their ID accounts.
  4. hello are you able to log in, the 8 letter code looks like a authentication key to log in to your account which then when you visit the visiphone your password should be reset and the system will ask you to make new one
  5. Thanks for all your help! It's actually 8 letters.....
  6. by any chance did you get a five digit code or a 16 digit code
  7. Hey! I did and I got some code in the email after following the steps. But now I'm stuck again because I don't know where I'm supposed to use this reset code they gave me lol
  8. did you get the VPN gate too work?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8