Conversation Between Inexx and DoctorShanks

6 Visitor Messages

  1. no problems buddy. I got laid off and lost internet. but yeah my big thing is i am on a podcast now, but im gonna start tryin to blow up this podcast, its my baby man, i think we're gonna go somewhere. But I love it. But as soon as i get my internet connected, I hope you play, ps0 with me bud. alright man, late
  2. You'll have to send a PM/VM to AtBHR regarding invites. If you think you're going to go inactive again, just be sure to let us know because we didn't know what happened to you last time.
  3. hey bud I'm back! I'm gonna start playin again can you reinvte me to the ps0 revival group?
  4. I don't think I have that power. PM Windancer for an invite.
  5. Wheres my Invite to psz revival group
  6. Sorry man, someone came in and took the last spot >_> Not like I was expecting it, though.

    I hate situations like this; I couldn't tell him to leave because I wasn't the party leader.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6