Conversation Between Sephirah and Reiketsu

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi >__< Sorry, I was just afk eating and when I got back you were already gone
  2. Where are you then? No time for playing? Or am I on at the wrong time? Or do you take a break from this game, as well? :/

    Okay, nevermind, I just saw your new pics xD
    That suit suits you, lol
    And you snapped a wolfy butt O_o"
    Anyways, take part in my screenshot contest, lol
  3. Yup
  4. *poke* You still alive? :/
  5. Yeah, I know... sorry, was just joking and didn't mean that seriously xD"
    Too bad we didn't get to take a few pics before they fucked that up ._.
  6. It's not as much of a challenge as it is frustrating, watching things that would be great screenshots go right by without being able to take it. >.<
  7. Well, just means the difficulty level was raised and it requires even more skill now!
    You've been doing amazing screenshots left and right as if it was nothing, anyways!
    You should actually be glad it poses a challenge for you now, lol
  8. I know, it's going to be so much harder, if not impossible to get some of those really amazing shots now. TT__TT
  9. OMG, that about the screenshots really sucks now .__."
  10. Where'ah dem great picz'a me? Dun tell me ya didn't take some, aftrohll??
  11. OOOOOOOh ok :P
  12. Yeah, I added you, but I don't think you've been on when I was :/
    My User ID is Reiketsu!
  13. BTW did you ever add me? I've been getting a lot of random adds from people I don't know. XD
  14. Okay, going to search you then next time I get on! Muaha xD
  15. My ID is Sephirah, my character name is アーロン. On Ship 2
  16. Most certainly, if you keep this up xD
    What's your in-game name, btw? And are you on ship 02?
    Maybe you can take great pictures of me, as well, lol
  17. I'll be able to say OVER 9000!!!! in a few days I'm sure :P
  18. lol... 7000...? OMG xD"
    I kinda never really think about taking screenshots, at least not while on a mission and during fights and the like... *sigh*
  19. Haha! Some of them are planned, but a lot of them are by complete accident! Even though I've uploaded over 300 screenshots, my actual pictures folder is over 7000... :P
  20. Haha xD Okay! Then unravel all your secret techniques to me! Pwease xD
    Seriously... someone said something similar in the thread already, but one could think you changed the pic-taking key to an easier to reach position on your keyboard and spam it like crazy while playing O__o"
    So do you get those screenshots by accident or are they all masterfully planned, lol
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