Conversation Between Aka and Ash1ey

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Only played the last 36 hours of CBT. Didn't know it was up til it was almost too late. Been playing Aion since I stopped playing JP PSU but will most likely quitting that for PSO2 now.
  2. hehe yeah its gonna becool I'm looking forward to it! Did you play closed beta?

    and what have you been up to all this time?
  3. Doing good. Waiting for Open Beta now :O
  4. oh it seems a chocobo has wandered into my profile

    how are you doing aka? long time no see!
  5. Wark!
  6. Thanks! Hows it going?
  7. Happy Birthday Ash!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7