Conversation Between yourikotsu and Powder Keg

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Welp, that was a pretty random message. But to reply--it's honestly well too early to speculate and point fingers at anyone "not paying attention"
  2. maybe you haven't heard, or you just don't pay attention but xbox has been working on thier new console for a year now. by then all the problems with porting, server seperation etc. shouldn't be a problem at all. about the time the new console is released, we should have pso2 in america, thus a proper chance for it being released for it. not to mention, xbox has easily 2x the gammers as any pc game save wow. and for a last note, if it's not released for any console - there's a high chance the psu/pso fanbase for the most part will drop the series.
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