Conversation Between BIG OLAF and Garnet_Moon

30 Visitor Messages

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  1. Why thank you, madam.
  2. Welcome ba~ck!
  3. I've returned, Miss Garnet~.
  4. Your pictures of mighty melons have no effect on me! I am the Master of Mighty Melons!

    ...unintentional alliteration!

  6. Why are you spamming people's profile pages with tuna-breast sandwich pictures? :l
  7. Oh, wow. It's okay, I don't even remember caring at all when any of my family members died, but mostly because I barely ever saw them.

    And, I'm okay, thank you for asking. Still kind of angry about certain things, but I'll get over it eventually.
  8. Hehe~

    Eh, no complaints. I got over my Aunt and Grandfather dying last week pretty damn quick. Too quick. I'm so heartless ;_;

  9. Kekeke...sorry, couldn't resist~

    How are ya?
  10. Ahh...! D...Don't pinch me there!
  11. *pinch*
  12. D'awww. Thanks so much.
  13. Remember Big Olaf! If you ever need buffs or company or anything, simply snap your fingers and I'll be there in a flash!

  14., I-I-I meant because of my pictur-....

    Never mind. Too late now.
  15. Combating the claim accepted~

  16. I'd like to combat Mr. Hosaka's claim.
  17. Yes. So you are now "Ms. Troll", gender pending.

  18. Ohh I see it now. lol
  19. Because that dood said you were, Ms./Troll.
  20. Nuuu how am I trooooolll ;_;
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 30
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