Conversation Between negi and Alice112

18 Visitor Messages

  1. srry but i made a mistake about that website it is one of aireas games but u must use to get it srry.
  2. Aweosme
    Thank for telling
  3. all you have to do is go to its one of theirs its free to down load and free to play.
  4. Really?
    I wanna play it!
  5. i finaly found a game that is just like psu its for the pc and it is called fiesta its pretty awsome.
  6. i only play psu online because i dont have pso and it will be extremly hard to find now that they where discontiued as for all those others u named iv never seen them in stores around here.
  7. Quiting PSU?
    Why you don't play another online games?
  8. well im still thinking about it but im not sure a lot has been going on and im thinking about quiting psu aoti its not that i dont like it but im not sure what i should do so i haven't been in awhile.
  9. Not much.....
    I have bad flu --_--
    And wut up?
  10. hello whats ya up to?
  11. Hm......
    I never buy something in internet anyways... :P
  12. sega stinks i did the events for the real handgun+ and the moatoob collectible and did not get it so dont trust sega.
  13. Nothin'
  14. whats up?
  15. Ya........
  16. Just online,you.....
    And I try to help our newest member....(My job)
  17. yo whats up?
  18. Hello,Negi....
    Welcome to the PSOW!
    Add me
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 18 of 18