Conversation Between soulpimpwizzurd and Kanore

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Sega of Japan executive: Scare them! Tell them we're on to them and we can ban them at any time! That should get 'em.

    boy did i lol
  2. wow dude i gotta say those shades on your rappy are pretty swagtastic
  3. omg no i didnt the rappy isn't dumb it's cool and it has sunglasses jeeze noop
  4. omg u stole my signature im going 2 report u
  5. hey check out my new signature! i don't wanna break my post count so view my thread in the FKL forum

  6. "they should use my signature

    or the rappy in my signature"

    if it happened, even for just a day...
  7. one day strongest ever

    pls friends

    btw ur signature deserves a medal
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7