Conversation Between McLaughlin and Wayu

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Wow, that's a ways away from me. XD
  2. China. We go under Beijing Standard time, which is GMT+8.

  3. Yeah, I thought that might be the case after I replied. I'm EST. Whereabouts are you?

    Thanks again for the birthday wishes.
  4. You're probably state-side then. I'm nearly 16 hours ahead of you where I live lol.

  5. But he looks so awesome! Lord Ike doesn't look so bad either though. :P

    Thanks. Birthday isn't 'till tomorrow but I still appreciate it.
  6. Happy birthday!

    Also, yay Fire Emblem! Though I hated the BK with a passion...

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6