Conversation Between elshagan and euromyne

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Well that sucks. <.< That n I just found out that I need to get a new cd aswell since my idiotic little bro tried to play it on our GC... -.- So now it's all cracked up n ruined... But meh... As I said on msn n xfire usually so go ahead n catch me when ever
  2. awwwww that sucks! well it's probably just as well since nobody can get on because of error 60 anyway :/
  3. I've been... Here? On msn n Xfire lools, seeing as I got no money atm I can't get on. So until summer is over I can't get on at all... XD
  4. heya! where you been?!
  5. Heyo long time no seen ''
  6. :P What's up??? XD
  7. O M G
  8. HELLO MARIN!!! D:
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8