Conversation Between n1stanly and Caledonia

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm in PST. I play around the same hours as you so I will shoot you a PM next time I'm on. Thanks !
  2. Heya, RE Fourier, what timezone are you in? For reference I'm GMT so I got this message at midnight with you having posted at 10pm.

    I should be online at about 10pm (my time) tomorrow (Tuesday 19th). So if you can mail or whisper me in-game then great. Otherwise just look for a party called "Tes & Co" that's what I usually call mine.
  3. hey. i saw your fourier NPC pose and was wondering if you have a couple minuets today. I'd like to get this Xia client order out of the way and don't think fourier is in my near future. let me know!. thanks. players name is Zoa. account name is #elite
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3