Conversation Between jonigavin and Atbar

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi. I messaged you over on Ushi No Tane.
  2. Yeah, I have a Yellow Sun with Crush Bomb that's lv5 with 32 accuracy, and I like Crush Bomb more than Wild Blow. Thanks much.
  3. Hi, AtBHR!
    The Danube had zero stats, but the ele lv was niice. If you're ok.. I'm sure Gatz will find use for it. Thank you! (oops, and I forgot you may start a new killbot sniper!)
  4. Hey, Joni, if it's okay with you, I would like to give the Blue Danube you gave me to Gatz instead because I already have a nice, high-end bazooka and he seems to want it more.
  5. Hey, Joni or Gavin, I'm forming and there's room for one more.
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