Conversation Between Nitro Vordex and AlexCraig

57 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy birthday, yo!
  2. The story mode conversation style reminds me of the earlier PS titles, battle/techniques/weapon variety/etc is PSO-like. Photon Arts from PSU, as well as PSU-esque map style. New photon blasts. I'm loving every second of it.
  3. Hopefully I'll be getting that when I get some money, or a job. It looks like fun, and old PSO sounds FTW.
  4. Hah! That's saucesome, dude.

    Mostly been playing PSZ lately. Definately worth the buy.
  5. Sup.

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  6. That word has way too many S's in it for me to take it seriously.
  7. My brother has a Sassafras one.
  8. I prefer my staff. ;o

    Damn I miss that thing, made out of redwood. It was really strong.
  9. Saw it before. Was jealous until I got my own Master Sword.
  10. I thought you might like this:

    I laughed harder than I should have.
  11. Then hang out at a friend's pool.
  12. No extra money.;-;
  13. Then get do so.
  14. I need to go swimming, dammit. D;
  15. Ahuh
  17. Shishashush! You see nothing!
  18. ohgod what's hapening on your page?
  19. Cool. Original or 360? Original, get Halo for some FPS fun. If 360, get The Orange Box for Portal pronto.
  20. I got me an Xbawks. :3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 57
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