Conversation Between Reikoku na kuma and Lipid_Lurvah

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey there! Hope to see you guys at least before the holidays. I have gifts!
  2. yo yo
  3. Miss you guys. I've been grindin' for DT wands, and so far the only one I'm missin' is . Here's to another fun filled night of Dol Vareer.
  4. Hey there, Tobes! How are things?
  5. sup, u.
  6. LOL well you know me -takes a lv 50 to MAI S- XD
  7. Yeah, It's kinda of weird doing B and A runs; I feel so out of place, lolz.
  8. ok, cool. Well whenever ya hop online, I'll lv with you with one of my chars(listed on my profile). Taking a break from infinity ranked runs & mosty running with JP ppl and not our usual crew.
  9. Yeah, I'm gonna retire her, and I guess I'll play with her when I get into parties that are doing Infinity missions. Right now, my major focus is Belladona.
  10. LOL wow maxed her,huh? Kam still 101.... XD. been lving my others. Monica is 21 lvs away from cap.
  11. Also, if you have AIM, my SN is AisokuToKurisu. I'm usually on their throughout the day because when I'm at work, my BF likes chattin' it up with me. Feel free to shoot me a line!
  12. =O

    Tobes! What's happenin'?! Long time, certainly no see. I haven't forgotten about you guys; I've been busy with work and school. Some of my friends IRL have purchased the game so I've been playing with them through Ad-Hoc. I've maxed Rebirth Cham, and I create a Cast since all of my buds like playing with them. I really hope to see you all either today or Tuesday afternoon.

    Take care. <3
  13. what's popin, mah diga? :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13