Conversation Between kirtblue and Kirukia

20 Visitor Messages

  1. Of course you're very welcome
  2. thanx for the birthday wishes
  3. Happy Birthday
  4. i got one character in super solo working on a second but im not sure what quest she hasnt done so i gotta do all the quest over till i find it luckily i already did the tower with her so it wont take long to find the missing quest
  5. Yeah but since I hit 60 I can kill mothers without even getting hit. Maybe its cuz I'm ranged though. <3 Zonde and slicers. I got my soul today! So now I'm just gonna do it later on. The only use I have for finishing hard tower is to get SH tower. I can do SH solo on play alone online, or I can do it with friends. Until I start to hunt my psycho wand which probably won't be unti I hit 90+, I won't even bother xD
  6. thats what i did leveled all my characters to level 70 -75 before doing it otherwise after floor 70 you start to die alot if you do it too soon
  7. Lol yeah it's annoying x.x If only you could save. I just did 20 floors but no luck. I'm just leaving afterwards. I'll complete it but right now I want to focus on other things. Maybe once I get 70~80 I'll do hard tower and get SH on single player.
  8. i found one on floor 70 something tower sucks so much i hate it

    if you gotta force you should check out our club
  9. Lol I'll find one eventually. I got my force to SH and got my hunter to 36 for my Klau Solas so I'm happy for now. I finished my last character slot. I made a RAcaseal. Man I'm so lazy I don't like tower much hahaha. But I really do want a Femini Soul so I guess I should get to work If you're looking for one, I'll let you know if I get an extra. You can have it if I do.
  10. i hear ya i still have yet to find a femini soul going through hard tower right now with an alt decided to take a break and see whats happening on here
  11. Haha yeah they are kinda useless. Though Kai's burn effect is nice. Sarisa heals once in awhile too. Geez I have so many goals to hit
    I wanna get my hunter to 36 for this rare sword I found.
    I wanna get my force to 60 for SH.
    And I need to hunt my Femini Soul again xD
    So much to do so little time
    I think I can do them all tomorrow or the next day o-o
  12. thats all they are good for its just better to let them die so you can get in more hits while the boss is focusing on them
  13. Yeah you can't even say goodbye x___x
    But I usually just ignore them. They tend to run around and die. I just use them for distractions mostly.
  14. i agree they need more phases on the free play

    edit the npc characters are a special kind of stupid just try and work with them
  15. Haha it gets frustrating not being able to say what I want. "Get your ass over here I need to eat dinner" xD Though today I had some fun in single player. NPCs like to hit the traps and shoot needles into me, so I went to shrine with my HUnewm to finish story mode on normal. I was thinking, "I bet one of these idiots is going to hit the trap." And then I hit the trap. It was horrible. I hit the whole party too xD
  16. its true i play free play alot because of the weird hours i keep but i can tell you free play suxxx alot you will have more fun playing in a party of friends
  17. Thanks :] I was reading ps0 forums for some tips and saw someone saying it was better to make friends here than play on free play. So I figured I'd register and find some friends xD
  18. no worries glad to have you
  19. Thank you It's nice to be here.
  20. welcome to pso world
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