Conversation Between DieannaKill and ROCKSTEPH

16 Visitor Messages

  1. WHY YA CALLING ME POOP FACE!!!!??? grrr lol jk
  2. hey poop face
  3. Would you mind voting for me if you please?
  4. Tanks and i wrote another reply to you o.o
  5. Voted and wrote a reply on the thread.
  6. I Dont know if you have a PSU forums account but would you please vote for me?
  7. Please vote for Agito the beast
  8. LOOKS LIK YOU ARE LOSING HAHAHAHAHA. Btw, got your msn. Can't wait to finally have someone to talk to. I hope you are interesting :/
  9. Woot thanks!
  10. WOOOOWWWWWWWW... I'm speechless... Eh, I voted for you anyways. Sucks I'm not playing anymore to show them nubs how to be a top model. Sheesh...
  11. Community bores me and demotivates me. It's unbearable. Today my account ended. You can always add my e-mail if you have MSN ([email protected])
  12. what why did you quit?
  13. wut day?
  14. PSU died for me
  15. Hello poopy haed
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16