Conversation Between CelestialBlade and DreXxiN

61 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ah, it's that and a mix of other fun things in this bag . I told myself not to worry about it too much over the holidays, and that seems to be a good idea so far.
  2. Is this about that decision you spoke of in the Rants forum? Regardless of your situation, I hope you can turn things around socially. That sorta thing wears on you after a while.
  3. Life is interesting on my end, though I've come to notice my social and fun side has drastically fallen off the face of the Earth...which is why I'm here, poking some of my favorite people I haven't talked to in ages! :P
  4. Hey dood :O I'm doing pretty good, enjoying the holidays and working mostly. Can't think of much to complain about fortunately, just kinda riding life's wave right now. Wish it were warmer though >_>

    How's you?
  5. Hello friend! I just figured it's about time to start catching up to old PSU pals. How's life treating you?
  6. Still quite a few active peeps. I'm jumping around a bit between PSO2 and some single-player stuff, and I think I might get back into Guild Wars 2, but hopefully I'll see you around.
  7. I would love to catch up if I can find the time . Mostly holding out for the English release in spring (allegedly), but have been planning on updating the JP one and seeing if I find some familiar faces on there.
  8. You bet. Still plan on getting back into PSO2 at all? I'm not on as much as I used to be but I wouldn't mind running with you again.
  9. Yeah I'm hanging in there . Good to see you're still around and hope to catch up sometime.
  10. Hey dood! Still bummin around PSO2 and such, work, all that. Gearing up for some holiday awesomeness. You doin alright?
  11. Hey there! What's new? I miss everyone that is awesome from the realms of Phantasy Star, BWAAAAH!
  12. Likewise. I drift in and out but I'll probably be here moreso with PSO2 around the corner.
  13. Indeed! It's probably because PSO2 is imminent. Nice to see you're still around!
  14. Hey dood ;o Long time indeed, been seeing so many old faces pop up lately.
  15. Hey! Long time no speak! Figured I'd try to get in touch with a few ol' Phantasy Star buddies that epitomize awesome!
  16. Long time no see, yo. ;O
  17. Thank you.
  18. Oh, don't give me that. I wouldn't be much of a friend if I just demanded things in return. I'll be here if you want to talk about anything, okay?
  19. It's fine, Chel...

    I haven't really shown means of accompanying you or trying to stabilize our friendship so I don't want to just use you for help. I think I'll gain strength if I get through this myself
  20. What's up? o_o
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 40 of 61
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