Conversation Between Genoa and Endymius

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey! You gotta log on sometime. I have to ask you about a L4D contest and there's only a day and a half left to sign up. Was wondering if you want to start a team and give it a shot?

  2. :E :E :E

    (needs at least 5 characters in a message, so there you go, three for the price of one)
  3. Hey,

    GameGuard doesn't play nice with Windows 7, thus why I haven't been on PSU lately.

    I'm trying to find a way around it (there's a few things to try), but I'm afraid my 30 day subscription is drawing to a close soon and I'm not planning to renew. Need your items back? :P
  4. Hey, I'm on PSU now. Figured I'd give it another shot... 30 days at least. :P
  5. Hey, ever check your PM's? :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5