Conversation Between Dhylec and EspioKaos

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you much!
  2. Happy bday!
  3. Thanks, Dhy!
  4. Hey, Happy Bday!
  5. A little of the city, a lot of the state.

    I stayed with some friends in Ellenville, and went around to some other villages like Newburgh, Beacon, Middletown and Montgomery to visit folks. One day, though, I took the train from Beacon to Grand Central to visit a friend I went to high school with. She and I grabbed lunch and walked around NYC for a while checking out random places. And before I met her for lunch, I'd spent the entire morning walking around. By the end of the day, I was exhausted. So much fun, though. I always enjoy it! (And I'm already looking forward to going again next summer!)
  6. New York, as in seeing the city or elsewhere?
  7. Awesome!
    Sorry for the late reply. I was in New York for the past week, and I've been having a hard time playing catch-up ever since I got back Tuesday night. D:
  8. Hey Espio, it's late, but lookie.. ;3
  9. Thanks!
  10. Hey, happy b-day, man!
  11. I'm leaning more toward Espio/Kaos Knight.
  12. Just notice your name is missing a "+". ;]
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12