Conversation Between DarkShadowX and CelestialBlade

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, great post in the PSU section, appreciate the shout-out. Totally forgot you ran with Kenjitsu's group.
  2. Agreed.... This site has been around for so long and I've been here just as long that it's just a part of My Life.... I think I'll end up sticking around until the day (a sad day it will be should it happen) the site shuts down....
  3. Yeah, had a pretty great group I ran with during my time with PSO2, we had a lot of fun. The gameplay is really awesome, but there's plenty of aspects of its system that are really flawed. Would have quit way earlier without those guys though, that's for sure.

    I'm mostly around the site for my friends here and for my PSO2 fanfic in Fan Works. PSOW certainly has its days, but I've never been able to bring myself to leave here.
  4. Understandable, I felt that way with PSU every now and then back in the day. Having a good friends who still play would keep me going. It's cool you're still fairly active on the site though, alot of the old runners are hardly on anymore, which is understandable with how much time has past and life and other interests changing.
  5. I played PSO2 from closed beta till around last March or so. It had its moments, but ultimately I got fed up with the endless grind and the lack of any feeling of accomplishment because everything was determined by random chance. Could have been a much better game, but oh well.

    Not doin too bad otherwise. Just the wonderful balance of work and social life
  6. I've been good. I still lurk here occasionally, try and keep up with old friends and such. Been feeling nostalgic for PSU lately.... Did you ever jump on PSO2? I didn't sadly cause my PC is weaksauce. How else is life treating you?
  7. I'm here, mostly :P Doin alright. You?
  8. CHELSEA!!! Long time no see! Glad to see you're still active here. How've things been?
  9. Hey there, how're things going?

    So PSU is finally on its final legs. Like I always said I would, I made my comeback to witness these last 2 months. While its sad to see this game go, it was a long time coming. With this I finally hang my PSU hat, no JP PSU for me, I just can't invest time or money in it, and I've lost interest in it.

    Dunno if you'll be coming back for the last days yourself, if you do I hope to see you around. I look forward for the next online PS installment(US PSP2, or next gen console version) and if they're online, then I hope to maybe see you there one day.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9