Conversation Between SpikeOtacon and Ranmaru

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you! : D
  2. Happy Birthday, ranran!
  3. Ah I see, then if you guys do I might as well play some l4d2, lol. I have membership and haven't even used it. ;D

    Pokemon 4ever.
  4. Pretty much still just do Left 4 Dead 2 with the guys, a little bit of the original BlazBlue but other than that I don't game too much on the Xbox these days.
  5. ohey ;o wat games do you even play now. D: I sold my xbox, but it's still here. I haven't played lumines in 4evah. :3

  6. ;ohay ranran
  7. Sup d00d
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7