Conversation Between StevoLime and Tetsaru

7 Visitor Messages

  1. ah ok. id leave my web browser open when i play xbox, but i find i get a smoother connection with it closed. tell ya what tho, teamspeak might not be a bad idea for pso2 when it comes out if it doesnt hav voice chat.
  2. I'm actually playing some League of Legends matches with several friends over Teamspeak, lol. I'll probably go to bed here before too much longer though.

    That, and I usually have PSOW up on my browser all the time.
  3. it about 1am here, what the heck are you doing on forums this late? lol
  4. check out the Team>EP3<FTW group page
  5. im doin good, u do know i hav u on my messenger friend list for like the last month, lol. u should shoot me message on that sometime. even if it says im playing a xbox 360 game, ill still reply eventually, lol.
  6. Sup man, how are you?
  7. hey tetsaru, long time no talk
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7