Conversation Between Mike and NeonaPulsar

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Nvm to that PM, that was my misstake. It was in fact a blacklist issue. No being able to read this is killing me...

    Thank you, and sorry for wasting your time. XD
  2. That and piracy are the two things that are supposedly to blame for the lack of an English PSP2i. The PSP being at the end of it's life-cycle and it's lack of popularity outside of Japan could also be blamed.
  3. Question: Is it true from what i have heard from a friend, that since PSP2 didn't make that many sales in the US, that PSP2i is not coming here? (to the US)
  4. That is the Oracle fleet. The large ship is still a mystery.
  5. She would be a very perky noodle.
  6. Not that I know of. You'd have to talk to Ryna about that.
  7. Is there a way to extend this limit normaly, or is it just something to look after.
  8. Yes, that's normal. While I don't know the number off-hand, normal forum users are limited to a certain number of pictures.
  9. Question: Do album pictures have a count limit? I added more pictures the other day and then found all my albums limit reduced to 9 left to add. I got rid of some and the limit increased.

    But then... i look at your albums and notice that you have a lot more then limit i encountered. Is that normal?
  10. Nice new avi.
  11. No. The items in the picture you commented on are only in PSP2i.
  12. You have some really cool albums.
    Thanks. Most of it is just stuff related to PSP2/PSP2i releases though.
  13. The Miku VN02 outfit is only available from the PSN for the Japanese version of PSP2.
  14. You have some really cool albums.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14