Conversation Between Puppet_Papaya and Sayara

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, guy, there are no rules so go bananas nuttso! That's how I'm taking it. It's fun to throw a curve ball for the other artists!
    The whole thing is pretty much an imagination explosion. I'm loving it.
  2. i on occassion feel mildly bad doing such random things to your story ahahahaha

    but then i remember Transformers Butts and the mixing up of 3 different fandoms.
  3. also; why aint we friends yet wtf
  4. ive tried on a few occassions; however I got too distracted to continue.

    I would however like to comic-size the agonizingly long story we got going on between the tingle demon saga thing
  5. Ok, real talk, guy. Have you considered doing comics at all? I feel like there's a real opportunity for you to explore space and sequence. Plus, the chaotic look of your work would make for incredibly interesting and unique panel structure.
    You've already got story and visuals. I'd love to see what happens when you put them together!
  6. artwork you say?
    the first would be like, her giving up to the darkness

    the 2nd would be an inner struggle with it.
  7. It'd be very enjoyable. Relistening to hardcore gabber techno, their album artists like to use (sometimes) cutegore so its been hittin me like a truck.
  8. Ah, it was a beautiful age. Thanks for the bit of nostalgia! We should bring "cutegrue" back sometime.
  9. i was inspired by my sig. artist so i went to town. Remember our wonderful pairing of cutegrue back in the day and thus.
  10. Woahhhh, this brings back memories. Where did these come from, all of a sudden. So terrifically adorable/scary!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11