Conversation Between DaRkWoLf30 and NeonaPulsar

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hiya Wolf, haven't talked to you a while *smiles and waves*

    Look what I found while wondering between dimensions...

    I found the page you started at, and I jump in around page 13
  2. Yeah, for sure!
  3. o-well, some other time then
  4. We were full lol. Sorry!
  5. with someone else?

    would they mind if i tag along?
  6. In one atm, sowwy!
  7. Want to do a run with me?
  8. We are about to launch the fleet Wolf, come and join...
  9. Playing with one of my other friends atm.
  10. just let me know when your ready by getting on wi-fi two times(get off, get on, get off, then get on again) I'll see it
  11. Ready to join?
  12. Sorry didnt know you were waiting for me.
  13. We are on and waiting for you, just join my group when you see me host, or send me a message.
  14. Yeah I was excited!
  15. Sweet!
  16. Found femini soul
  17. Ahh ok. Well let me know when your next on and I will play with you. Also you can talk to me anytime you like as well. If you want to know my msn just let me know :O
  18. no wi-fi Tomorrow, sorry
  19. Tomorrow possibly?
  20. Ok, another time then
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 41
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