Conversation Between EspioKaos and Carma

17 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for all you've done, amazing work
  2. Carma Set

    Carma Body

    Carma Arms

    Carma Legs

    GRM社の最高なデザイナーで開発された新しいキャストのパーツで、今までスタイルの成果が未 見。

    Just getting the last translations done while I've got time since the deadline's fast approaching!
  3. Hi
    Final translation, as I won't have the time to draw more stuff...
    "Carma set
    New CAST parts developped by the best designers from GRM for a result never seen before"
    "Carma body
    Carma harms
    Carma legs"
    Looks like you have a lot of stuff to translate ' i won't ask you anything after this one
  4. Thanks a lot
  5. Another one
    "Vector Rifle
    - A new GRM prototype, it can fire photon bullets at unmatched speed."
  6. Thanks
    It was obsidian
  7. Odsidian Sword: オドシディアン・ソード
    Description: GRM社の標準の長剣の改良版。 他の長剣より驚異的な性能を誇っている。

    By the way, did you really mean "Odsidian," or "Obsidian?" The latter of the two is a naturally-occurring glass. If you meant that one, it would be オブシディアン・ソード. I wasn't sure if you meant to alter the name or if you wanted it to match the real word.
  8. I don't know what"s going on I randomly designed something new this morning so...
    "Odsidian sword
    - An improvement of the standard GRM sword. Has much better capabilities."
    (I don't even know if it's correct in english lol)
    I ask you a lot these days...
  9. You're welcome.
  10. Lol Faster than ever
    Thank you
  11. アスタラヴィスタ・セット (Hastalavista Set)
    ローグズの間で大人気なセット。男らしい男のために設計されていると言われている。 (description)

    アスタラヴィスタ・ジャケット (Hastalavista Jacket)

    アスタラヴィスタ・パンツ (Hastalavista Pants)

    アスタラヴィスタ・ブーツ (Hastalavista Boots)
  12. Hi Espio
    Once more, I need some translations. This time it's for a male set

    "Hastalavista set
    - Very popular among the rogues, it is said to have been designed for real men" (lol)

    I will need this to :
    "Hastalavista jacket, Hastalavista pants, Hastalavista boots"

    As always, thanks for spending some of your time on it
  13. No problem.

    I just saw your artwork for this weapon... freaking awesome! (Do want!)
  14. Thanks a lot, amazing work as usual
  15. Here you go.

    Gurhal Rod

    A long staff that absorbs power from the three planets of the Gurhal System and emits pure photon energy.

    Visual effect when used
  16. Hi Espio, I guess I can ask you one more translation for another contest entry.
    Take your time
    "Gurhal Rod
    - It drains it's power from the three planets of the gurhal system and emanates pure photon energy."
    Feel free to change some words if it's easier for you.

    I forgot to ask something : "Visual effect when using the weapon"
    I need this to finish it lol...
  17. Hi Espio, Arika told me I could ask you to translate some stuff about my entries on the JP cloth/weapons contest. I can show you the first one if you want an idea of what I'm asking you.

    Something like :
    "Aria Set
    It is said to have been designed on a far away galaxy"
    Maybe the commentaries like "Aria bottoms" need to be translated too...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 17 of 17