Conversation Between Miyoko and Enforcer MKV

66 Visitor Messages

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  1. Being able to switch armor parts is a blessing.
  2. I'm more surprised that you can cross your legs with those ginormous bulky things!
  3. *sitting cross-legged* So why bring it up in the first place? XD

    Trying to get me killed, are we? Hmmm?

    *rifle shot goes whizzing past my head.* ....That wasn't very nice! D:
  4. People don't often live when they ask to do that.
  5. You're a.... Oh, this is interesting....XD

    We should talk in more detail. (I'm either really brave or really stupid....not sure which.)
  6. It has nothing to do with being a pervert! >:O
  7. Ah, no wonder you're in an RP group. *nods* Theatre, huh? I'm sure that's fun.
  8. I'm a theatre student. 'Uncomfortable' isn't part of my vocabulary.

  9. it's not rude if what I'm doing makes you feel uncomfortable.
  10. If I did that, it would be rude though!
  11. Indeed.

    *mumbles* Besides, not like you said no or anything, so....

    I mean, what?
  12. Yes... I would hate to see you lose a limb.

    ... Er, even though you could just put it back on. It might hurt!
  13. Indeed.

    And here I thought you'd be angry.

    *Still hugging her* ....I should let go now before I get hurt.
  14. I hope they make squishy cast/caseals. Might be hard to hug sometime.
  15. *hugging her* Uh....uh....

    Flawless victory?
  16. Hey that's not fair! I'm unequipped right now!

  17. ...Challenge definitely accepted. *glomp*
  18. Careful, I've been playing Dark Souls. Try and hug me, and I might ripost yah!
  19. I'm only so empty because there's nothing to fill the voooooid.

    On an unrelated note: hug?

    ...I'm just being random now. Fun!
  20. Your words are as empty as your soul!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 66
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