Conversation Between DamonKatu and Miyoko

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh no no! I was tiring to make you laugh...(I need to work on my act) >.<
  2. Wait, I'm you're foe? ;;
  3. Sorry, I like being silly. Make your friends laught and confuses your foes...

    oh, by the way, I took shots of models at the beach. They should be in my albums in my profile.
  4. Silly Damon-person! *Patpat*
  5. Hehehehe...Sorry. >w<
  6. *Blinks* ... Well, I wasn't worried about that before, but now I am. >>
  7. Fine though I am alittle busy...I won't bite...
  8. Um, nooot much. >.>a Yourself?
  9. Whats going on? :3
  10. Hiiiii?
  11. Heellloooo?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11