Conversation Between Itchee and Ryno

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Well... i guess.. When PSO2 comes out everyone will play?
  2. I saw you online and sent you my card, but it seemed you were kind of AFK. send me your card when I see you online again. n_n
  3. I got your friend invite last night...
    My playing times are incredibly sporadic right now, so I cant really say when ill be on.
    An hour here....30min there...thats what im working with.
    Ill definitely hit you up next time im on tho...
  4. I sent you a request. I played today but you were still offline. what time do you usually play?
  5. Yea, Im still using the same GT...
    Its funny you mention Maylee....she hit me up the other day.
  6. is your gamertag still ItcheeASS?

    I remember you told me you had a girlfriend.
  7. remeber this pic. it's when PSU came out 4 or 5 monther later!

    you can tell it's old because our names are still the color white!

    are you think of comming back online?

    because I still play!

    even MayLee, Ryogen, Shadow Moses, still plays!
  8. WHOA! I havent seen you on in FOREVER!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8