Conversation Between Ce'Nedra and Cry0

18 Visitor Messages

  1. Mine for fish?

    I'll be arround somewhere in the noon or evening as Ce'Nedra or Lyaela. Easy to spot me since they are in my sig how they look like~
  2. Hey! I've decided to make a character on ship 2

    I'll be on tomorrow (sunday). Character name will be: Cry0 V1.337
    Sega ID: Cry02

    How I mine for fish?
  3. thx, I'll be sure to do that
  4. Yeah I think it's to much trouble to move everything so it really sucks.

    If you start over lemme know and poke me in game, i'll help.
  5. ah man, that's a bit dissapointing... I might better just make a new account, then :S

    700 AC to move, but read what you can't take over...
  7. Unless you need AC its stated to be very easy. If it cost AC just get some webmoney and your set
  8. Interesting... I'll see how that works out
    If it's easy, you bet I'll mpve

    Time to move your lazy bum to ship 2
  10. you bet.

    May the photon be with you.
  11. I haven't been on much lately myself but that's because I got other games that I ignored since the OBT of PSO2 started

    If you ever get ship 2 let me know
  12. Im only 22 :S And I dont play that often...
    If i make a new character im definately doing it on 2
  13. Jump over? It's pretty easy to get back to 40 if you got that far. I can even help on my alt~
  14. 2 was closed when i joined :S
  15. 2018? Alot faster then I thought. Don't rush it! Mind the details!


    I'm on ship 2 acctually D: You picked the wrong ship dood
  16. Hey hey

    Working on it, should be done by 1st of april 2018 >_>

    You wouldnt happen to be on ship 8, right?
  17. When do we get A New Hope PSO2 style? :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 18 of 18