Conversation Between Leviathan and CupOfCoffee

17 Visitor Messages

  1. Just like a phoenix, I rise.
    Thanks Coffee. ;o
  2. Happy birthday, Levi! Who would have thought after all these years that you'd still be alive.
  3. I can't help but think somewhere, someone is getting that tattooed on them.
  4. This made me laugh:

  5. Yeah! We saw it in 3D. I kind of forgot it was 3D about ten minutes into the movie, but that's the way it goes. I guess it's cool just for the novelty of getting the glasses.

    I would say Nightmare Before Christmas was overall better--but a lot of that may be nostalgia. It has a jerkier, creepier, more retro stop motion style than Coraline, and all the characters and the story were from Tim Burton, so it had kind of a more gothic feel. But it's one of those ones that if you hear about it all your life and then see it as a teenager or adult for the first time, it's way more charming and fun than you'd expect from the pictures and stuff you can find on Google. Highly recommended!
  6. So I read your blog.
    I saw Coraline and I thought it was a pretty neat movie. Did you see it in 3D?
    I never saw Nightmare Before Christmas though, but if it's half as great as Coraline then I must see it.
  7. They're so good.
    That song alone makes me want to learn to play piano again.

  8. +1 vote of good taste
  9. I take it that you were watching Comedy Central?
    Oh yes, studying > Just Friends.
    I thought it was an okay movie, I watched 8 Crazy Nights. :>
  10. It was the Wedding Singer, which is actually a pretty dece movie. But now it's Just Friends. Studying suddenly looks a little more appealing
  11. Finals will kill me. ;_;
    I Wiki people when I am bored or procrastinating. It's amazing the things you learn from it and how people are connected.

    What comedies are you watching?
    I didn't know that about Drew Barrymore. D=
  12. College is pretty much the only thing that can match the awesomeness of coffee. I hate having to go home every summer and pretend like I still feel even remotely at home there. So yeah, you should probably start a countdown to a year and a half from now. The only downside is studying for finals, which is a thing I should probably be doing right now, but instead I'm watching bad comedies on TV and Wikipedia'ing the actors in them. Apparently Drew Barrymore did cocaine at 13.
  13. Facebook?
    College students.
    How is college?
    I go to one in a year and a half. DX

    You like many things; that's really stellar.
  14. Interests. Cool weather, writing, reading, steampunk, chewing on pen caps, Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat related arguments, music, sweaters, animal tails, coffee, college, paint, painting, that guy who stole "The Scream," Billy Mays commercials, pizza, scarves, funny 80s music, making up words, frightening art, sneezing, knuckle cracking, facebook, Australian animals, not knowing my carbon footprint, long drives, platonic relationships, icicles, fast motion, brontosaurus, night games, old slang, glasses, Zooey Deschanel, horrible Stephen King movies, the internet, Goldeneye, vacuuming stuff, fireworks, fireflies, The Tale of the Fire Ghost, snow men and women, Mac OSX, sexist commercials from the '50s, things working as intended, cat faces and facial expressions, 90s cartoons, Christopher Walken, sun, Judd Apatow, ghosts/hauntings, pianos, really scary scarecrows, sea creatures, foxes...

    I'm interested in a lot of stuff.
  15. Good basis to start on indeed.

    What are your interests?
    I like cooking, eating, sleeping, reading well planned books, music, art even if I'm not to good at it, cold weather, aaand video games. (:
  16. No doubt! It's like drinking pure sunlight.

    Oh yeah, I totally befriended you because I just noticed your name now has an N. I figured it was a good starting point for us to build from.
  17. Coffee. :3
    Best beverage ever?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 17 of 17