Conversation Between Leviathan and Volcompat321

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy birthday Levi!
    You're LEGAL NOW! Uh-oh!

    Hope you have a great birthday!
  2. That would be cool
    I'm free anytime, for the most part.
  3. Oh.
    We should get together and play sometime.
    Just on the weekends though. School is coming up.
  4. Oh. I played PSO on GC, but never got past level 15-20 or so.
    It was never really interesting to me, then a friend told me about BB when PSU was new.
    I think right after PSU, maybe before, came out BB got shut down and shortly after there was the private server.
    I never touched it until maybe 2 months ago, and just been playing ever since, up until about 2 weeks ago that is.
  5. BB. Haven't played much as of recently though.
    I have it on the Gamecube though.
  6. Oh wow, I didn't know that
    You pay BB too, or on a Gamecube?
  7. Damn.
    I'm only like 90something.
  8. I'm learnin'
    I played so much I burnt myself out for a bit.
    I played PSO BB for like 4 days strait, got to level 120 something, then stopped playing after a bit.
    I'll get back to it sooner or later.
  9. You have a lot to learn. And you best get to some learnin'
  10. Not at all. I know very little, and what I do know is from me playing the game for a total of 15 hours or so....
  11. HAHA!
    You don't know your PSO's. ;D
  12. Oh wow, it is, and it is a Hucaseal.
    Jeeze, I suck.
    I liked that one too
  13. No we did have the same one. Lol.

    It was this.

    Which was cropped into this!
  14. Well I didn't mean you had the same one as him, but the avatar just made me think of him.
    I'm not sure what it was, it was blue, looked kinda like an animal of sorts and uh...that's all I remember. lol fail.
  15. Which one? The HUcaseal or the rooster?

    Yeah PepperCat had the HUcaseal so I changed it. :[

  16. I think it matches you more than your old one.
    What was that thing, a cat? (for some reason it reminded me of PepperCat lol)

  17. Thank you thank you thank you.
  18. I like your new avatar!
  19. No problem Levi
  20. Thanks Volcom. (:
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