Conversation Between AlexCraig and Retniwreven

71 Visitor Messages

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  1. It's a job *Shrug* They are hard to come by these days. I'm a janitor.
  2. Lulz. Utilities call centre. Natural gas in particular.
    Laem, but not too hard.. I guess.
  3. Ah, nice! What's your new job?
  4. New job, more games, you know.
    Never did end up hunting an Agito, but I did pick up PSUPSP
  5. Yo! How've you been? Been a while since we've chatted.
  6. Yeah. And considering I mod/admin about 4 forums, I could make a decent ammount of money.

    Do you have AIM, MSN, or Skype?
  7. That would be a decent job, perhaps. =O
  8. Ah, heh. Nice!
    I kinda wish I could get paid for modding forums. I'd be making a killing.
  9. Actually no, the store wasn't doing so well, so they had to let some people go. I was one of them.
    To be honest I was going to quit anyways so I didn't really care. Night shift is wearing. Currently I'm attempting to get back into the call-center gig via a reference to a rather nice place from one of my father's cousins, or actually a bit of work for the government in Passport creation, since for whatever reason they need a lot of people in that position.
  10. Ah, find a better gig?

    My old job quit and moved to a further place, so now I am a janitor.
  11. Only a ten minute walk here, personally. Though I don't work there anymore. =X
  12. I did, too XDD Until I got my lisence. Used to walk 3 miles to my previous job. In cold and rain, sleet and storm.
  13. I walked to and from my nightshift job, personally. XD
  14. Yeah, getting home was a pain. Kinda hoping I don't have to go to work tomorrow. I'd like an early day off. More time I can spend warm and comfy at home.
  15. It's been snowing nightly for a few days now, but nothing as much as all that at once. =O
  16. It's not just cold here. We have a blizzard going through. Gonna get 12+ inches overnight.
  17. I suppose, what with the heat of the day completely gone and whatnot. =3
    Then again, I'm quite resilient to cold when I need to be.
  18. I do the second. ~.~ Coming home at 1am with the weather as it is is not fun.
  19. Like... work in a graveyard, or work somewhere between the hours of 10 PM and 6AM?
    If it's the first, no. If it's the second, yes.
  20. Ever work a graveyard shift?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 71
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