Conversation Between Merumeru and AC9breaker

11 Visitor Messages

  1. XD will do, I don't blame you, I'm gunna hate dealing with the japanese-s@#$-I-can't-understand myself
  2. Doubt I'll put in the effort to be in the beta. But you can definitely tell me all about it, these days I'm so behind on all the news.
  3. X3 hope we'll be able to meet up for Beta or something
  4. I'll see your "'sup" and raise you a "whats popping playa'?"
  5. X3 just tossing you a 'sup
  6. Thanks homie! Yeah, maybe we'll meet on some other game nobody knows!
  7. XD a belated happy bday to you

    XP hope me and you can find ourselves together on some other game X3 take it easy~
  8. ohmigosh, nice to hear from ya stranger!
  9. X3 just dropping by to say hi
  10. omg get out, kool kidz only!
  11. XD yo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11