Conversation Between Jonty and Saphion

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hola. Currently mourning your absence - I need some GMT-fun-but-with-a-brain types to play PS0 with now and again. Hope you show yourself soon!
  2. Ah. Well I got through the ruddy thing in a few sessions - a few horrifically boring sessions of tedium - and got a princely nothing for my efforts.

    Still, it was on normal mode.
  3. Yep; now I'm just slowly climbing my way up through the god-awful Eternal Tower (floor 87 I think now) and then I'm ready to check out the online mode.

    Bloody tower! I've been on it for a week now. Ugh.
  4. Ach, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner (and I'm in a terrible rush now!).

    Suffice to say, it would appear we both have the heavenly game now and... I hope you're fully recovered?
  5. Not gotten my copy yet either! Luckily(?) I seem to have contracted the bovarian bird flu or something equally rotten and wouldn't be up to playing the game even if I did have it!
  6. Saphion!

    You'll excuse me for not introducing myself, but I noticed you too live in Blighty, so I wondered if you'd recieved your copy of PS0 yet?

    I haven't =[
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6