Conversation Between Kard and relentless

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Oooh. >=/ One day, rappy, one day...
  2. o,o *picks on your head*
  3. NEW RAPPY AVATAR >O! Tweet tweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttt.

    Rappies aren't moe enough for this profile~ ;3
  4. Hey, tweeting adds to the superior factor of a Rappy.

    And filthy is filthy. Don't make it sound positive!
  5. At least I don't TWEET! >:/

    ...And what's wrong with being filthy. It adds to my beastly ATP~
  6. Oh my gawd it's a rappy resistance. Just wait and see, Rappy Rapture is going to hunt you downzzZzZzZ!!!! inferior and filthy Beast! x3
  7. ...

    Let's not hail rappies and cook 'em instead! >:3

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7