Conversation Between Kard and Alnet

16 Visitor Messages

    Gradius? In my ZOE? You must be crazy!

    Ahahah, yeah, I had a better time with Ikaruga on single-player than co-op. My partner would burn up my lives, so when I got to the point when I would die, I was SOL.
  2. Ah, I've heard and seen a lot of that crazy Touhou, but dude, Ikaruga. Great times! Such a suicidal game, and so much fun in the process.

    Strangely enough, I found it easier on the hard mode than on easy, but it was a while ago so I don't remember why. >=/

    Vic Viper in ZOE, eh? Awesome. I like to see stuff like that, especially when it results in something crazy, like a broken playable character. ":E
  3. Ahahahahahh, oh yeah, TGCid was extreme hax. That's why I made all my other characters super strong, BECAUSE of how gamebreaking he is. I tried to use him as little as possible.

    Capcom vs. SNK 2 was a sweet game, I just wish I had it for PS2 instead of GC, because the GC controller made my thumbs blister... Marvel vs Capcom 2 is awesome too, because it's simply the most outrageous fighting game ever devised. EVERY character is broken to hell and back. I love Capcom Balance.

    Dude. There's a Gradius reference in ZOE2, one of the mechs is named "Vic Viper" and transforms into a plane that can fire missiles, uses a swirling shield, and even creates Options. You can play as it in vs mode (broken; it is INCREDIBLY cheap), or in a minigame "Zoradius". As for R-type, I played it on my Game Boy Color as R-type DX. Fun times.

    I've played bullet hell games a few times, such as Ikaruga, and seen people playing games like Touhou. I think I prefer those to the old-school shooters.
  4. Ah, so that's ZOE~ :> It looks cool for sure. I can't tell ya the last time I've purchased anything other than an RPG - I'm just hooked. As far as fighting games go, it's just been Street Fighter for me mainly - especially Alpha 2 and Capcom vs SNK 2. I used to play shmups like R-Type and Gradius and such all the time (if you've ever heard of those...I usually just get blank stares after mentioning those titles ;o), but not as much lately.

    Truth be told about FFT - I didn't get to the point you did with making super strong characters, because I always just cheesed with TG Cid, then had the rest of characters be Ramza + some recruits that were mainly monks or geomancer. God I loved those jobs.
    A clip from ZOE: Anubis (ZOE: The Second Runner). Great game, but like its predecessor, suffered the weakness of being beatable in a single afternoon.

    I like Dissidia because it looks high-speed like ZOE here, and I'm big on fighting games. That said, I'm not -huge- on FF games, so I probably won't understand 80% of the fanservice the characters offer, I'm just there for the gameplay.

    Yes, I know what you mean about going back to play Tactics over and over... That's how my Alnet (Ramza) got so stupidly broken. 2 of that sword that adds Auto-Regen and Petrifies (the one with the Attack so high that it doesn't even matter), and every single class maxed. I didn't ignore the other characters, but I'm so proud of how incredibly broken he is. I've been thinking about getting the remake on the PSP, but I'm afraid of going back and redoing all of that!

    Oh, and Merry Christmas to you too! And Happy New Year! :3
  6. Zone of Enders, right? I've never seen that, but, I am drawn to Dissidia as more of a novelty than for a real, serious and competitive game. Sometimes it's awesome to see some old familiar characters in a completely new setting. :>

    Tactics of course is awesome~ I don't usually replay RPGs, but I went back to it a couple times because I wanted to try out all the different classes. I might even get the remake for PSP~

    Oh, before I forget, have a great Christmas! I figured I should say this early since I was late on the bday wishes, heheh. (*'-')/
  7. Dissidia looks a lot like FF had a child with ZOE to me. Interesting. I haven't played too many FF games, though; VII, X, X-2, and XII.

    Well... my brother did XII and my friend did X-2.

    Oh, and Tactics and Tactics Advance. Tactics on PS1 is my favorite of all the ones I've played.
  8. Arg, damn GBA's silly dark creen. To be honest, I couldn't stomach CotM beyond a couple hours, but that's probably more to blame on the fact that I'm not a big fan of handhelds. >_> Not that that stops me from wanting a PSP for various RPGs, and Dissidia, but then that's another story. >.-
  9. Ah, yeah, everyone knows that one. ;3 I'm a fan of the series overall. When I first started playing SotN, we had a group of people, and we were all taking turns as we were exploring the castles. It was a good night.

    The one that I got started with was Circle of the Moon on the GBA, though. That wasn't exactly a good start though. It was an overall good game, but it had a lot of things I didn't like. For example, it was FRICKING DARK, and that on a screen with no backlight got my murdered a lot.
  10. Ah, Castlevania~ The only one I've played fully is Symphony of the Night...still one of my favorite games. I haven't really been a follower of the series, but I couldn't help but get drawn to that one.
  11. Aha. Yeah, the "let's spam boring missions for high MP" is getting irritating. I enjoy the GBR, though, even though like 30% of the people who ran it before don't want to run it anymore, lol...

    When I'm not playing PSU, I'm mainly playing Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia these days. I'm freaking addicted to that game, and I've already beaten it twice, on normal and LV1 Max Hard Mode. Hard Mode, and you're always LV1! :3 It's dangerous, lol!
  12. I guess like a lot of people, I'm a little tired of having to search to get groups at places that aren't hotspots. I've actually been playing Diablo 2 with a couple friends on my PSU hiatus, but I'd reall like something new at this point. Might try out Spellborn or Mabinogi in the coming weeks.
  13. Ah, that's too bad! Well, I hope that the craving will set in again soon, and you'll return. :3

    Personally, at the moment, I'm rather impressed with the way ST's been handling our servers. Not so much the X360 servers, though...

    Oh, and... congratulations on your slightly-less-recent-than-mine birthday.
  14. Oh she's coming dead-last for sure, but at least she got some exposure. ;3

    I haven't played much in the last few months. Probably calling it quits again, but we'll see what happens. >.>
  15. Eh? Even though it's belated, thanks very much, kind-sir-operating-a-quite-attractive-beast-woman-who-I-hope-wins-the-modeling-competition! If you're on the PC/PS2 servers, I hope we cross paths!
  16. Gwaaa wait, what? You had a birthday?

    Dah! Latest best wishes you've ever had, maybe! Don't believe the old man's lies! I'm not a rappy unless I say I am! *pi*
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