Conversation Between panzer_unit and Poignantswine

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men!?
  2. Watched mousebutt, WTF man?!
  3. Ever seen the movie "Evolution?" Or Akira? That's one of the side effects....self-guided nukes just love that sorta stuff.
  4. My first brush with Nethack was on a 5" shareware floppy I bought from a computer store as a kid. Even back then it was an impressively deep adventure game with really a ridiculous amount of stuff your character could do. I picked it up again in University and it was even more interesting. Wierd things can happen in that game. Really wierd things.

    Watch out for cockatrices, there are about a million ways to get yourself petrified by one and that's AFTER they're dead.
  5. You know, I really don't remember the version. It's a windows mod that I found on Oh, so far, one character died from a falling boulder, one died from choking on his own rations, and one escaped from the dungeon on the second floor.
  6. Worst rescue ever...
  7. *ksht* paratrooping into position, over *ksssht*
    *ksht* (crunchy thud) *ksssht*
  8. Barista Unit to base. Barista Unit to base. Base, do you read me? Base, we're out of filters!!! I repeat, OUT OF FILTERS!!! Please send backup! *BRRZZZKTKTZZT* What? *brrzzpt* urk! *kkrrzzt* AAAUGH!!
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