Conversation Between HandOfThornz and Rayokarna

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Yo there Thornz, I've seen you lurking around and being active on the forum lately and I can see you're hype for the EU version of PSO2 but I have a request.

    Could you join me and Sie on the Japanese server? we've gotten to a point where we need the extra help, especially since the West version is become less of an aspect, we thought you might want to play in you're spare time. Up for it?
  2. Hey. I havent been on here for sometime. How you been?
  3. Hey

    Finally got round to reading some your story/fanfiction! No wonder you dont get much time to run missions any more. From the brief look over your work, it looks awesome and some serious dedication has been put into it!!
    When i'm more awake i will try and read more.
    Keep up the great work and C-ya Wednesday some point
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3