Conversation Between Mio and Zero-Sensei

16 Visitor Messages

  1. ᐤωᐤ~♪
  2. o.o o.o
  3. *Runs in circles.* =D
  4. *Waves back.* Allo! =D
  5. *waves*
  6. *Pokes back.* I'm like Kylie, I suppose? XD
  7. *pokes* omg 63 friends
  8. Awesome! I'd love to one day master Japanese.
    I'm literally in love with their culture.
    If I had a chance to go visit there, I'd take it in a
    heartbeat. X3
  9. I'm still studying Japanese, and also Korean! I'm far away to master it. But asian languages is my major. And I'm trying to learn to speak english in a proper way too x)
  10. 私は日本語を学びたい。 =3
    I would have to study for ever to catch up...
    If I ever have hopes of speaking & reading
    the language thoroughly.
  11. すごい!日本語が私の選考だよ~
  12. 少しただ。>>;; .... ^ω^♪
  13. 日本語分かるか?ww
  14. =O ゼロ先生~♪
  15. おはよう~
  16. *Waves.*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16