Conversation Between CelestialBlade and Totori

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  1. Hehe, thanks for the birthday greeting~
  2. Happy 18th girlie! <3 Have fun~
  3. That's pretty cool. I enjoy singing myself, but just on a casual basis. I've done a few covers with a friend's band once which was really fun, but I'm certainly not good enough to do so professionally :P I'm sure your voice is lovely~
  4. Considered doing a flute once, but I changed and moved onto Choir. I have been into singing ever since middle school~
  5. Jazz is a pretty great genre. I was really happy when I got toward the end of Tales of Xillia because several of the BGMs were jazz-themed, and they sounded really great

    Have you played any instruments before? I hardly have a musical bone in my body, but I wouldn't mind learning electronic keyboard one day.
  6. Not too diverse, but I'm pretty open to pop, metal, jazz. It's really mostly whatever gets me in a good mood. But my favorite artist of all time is Keane "Is it any wonder" <3 <3 I fell in love with that song, hearing my mom play it over and over in her car~
  7. Oh, quite a bit! Over the years I've found that there's things I like and dislike about every single conceivable genre, and there's nothing I'll dismiss based on genre alone. My favorite genres are rock (all kinds, but mainly alternative), video game, orchestral, hip-hop, and trance to some degree. If I had to pick a favorite band or group, it would probably be some combination of Foo Fighters, Coheed & Cambria, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Garbage, stuff like that, but even my opinion on that can change from day to day.

    What about you?
  8. What kinda of music are you into~
  9. I definitely had some really good times on PSU, made a lot of friends and I've certainly got plenty of great memories from the game. It certainly wasn't the best game ever and I wish Sega had managed it better (a lot like how they're mismanaging PSO2 something terrible), but it was fun and really unique in terms of what other MMOs were popular around then. Plus I had way too much fun with the fashion aspect XD

    PS Portable 2 was PSU the way it should have been. Even though a lot of the costumes there were like PSO2's, they had some awesome designs.
  10. Hehe, these pictures just bring me back to missing PSU even more~
  11. Yeah, I didn't think I'd miss that aspect of PSU as much as I did. I like what PSO2 was trying to do in making outfits a lot like PSO's, but I loved all the unique fashion people would come up with using the individual clothing parts from PSU. The combo you linked is definitely cute :3 These were my go-to combos back in the day: and
  12. Mostly being able to pick three different pieces of clothing, I don't remember what the name was but the combination I used for this picture, is my favorite
  13. That's a good idea really. What were your favorite things from PSU? I really loved the Bunbun set and the Storia set, would love to see those turn up again. Both would be cute cosplay ideas too :O
  14. Mhm, pop score is pretty cute~ I wish they would hurry and add more cute clothing from PSU into the game
  15. I love being where I am and I'm proud of the accomplishment I always had this distant dream that I'd become an automotive engineer but I considered it largely unobtainable, until the opportunity fell right into my lap. I'm certainly lucky :P

    On another note, I still kinda keep up with what outfits they're putting into PSO2, and I really love this one:
    Super cute and speaks to several things I love~
  16. Hehe, it's no problem. I'm glad you love your position and yeah, I bet people complaining even though they have a nice job like that could get rather annoying. ^_^v
  17. It's certainly a demanding position, I'm responsible for a lot and I lead people too, but I do my best not to let it get to me. I believe really strongly in two ideals about work: I do not complain about my job when I know I'm very fortunate to be where I am, and I don't bring work emotions like stress outside of work activities. That can be a bit difficult when I often do some work from home, but I try not to let it affect other parts of my life. I see so many people whine about being stressed all the time and being "too busy" for things, like some sort of empty pride, and I don't want to succumb to that. I love my job and I enjoy doing it, but it's just one part of my life and I can't let it run everything. Sorry for the tangent, just something I believe strongly in
  18. Mm, it seems like you have a lot of fun doing it, how stressful is it?
  19. It's kinda my dream position, I did a lot of my grad school in engine design and vehicle body dynamics, so it's right up my alley. I've always had an automotive interest, so getting the offer was pretty surreal. And it's plenty of money for cute clothes :O
  20. That doesn't sound bad, at least you'll never really be boring. I don't really get cars too much.
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