Conversation Between CelestialBlade and Rust

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. What the hell XDD That was hilarious.


    Starts at 11:07. There was a vid for it with english subs on Youtube, but it's been deleted.
    Now you have the context.

    (I don't know the context of that, it's just fun to say. Deal with it.)
  4. I'll try to find some fearsome Angler Fish pics then.
  5. I'm way more concerned about fast swimming fish-like monsters with huge mouth and sharp teeth than random hentai squids, really.
    Don't know why, but tentacles never frightened me the slightest.
    Nightmare Fangs from the Deep Abyss, on the other hand... ;-;
  6. Sorry ;P Slightly-recolored-Mir is too fitting.

    Don't tempt me, else I find some way to plague you with pictures of various krakenoids.
  7. No shark on your profile pic?

    I'm disappointed.
  8. *blinks*


  9. I haven't touched PSOBB since the beginning of the month.
    We tried Subterranean Desert and got pretty much raped (I really should level my MAG faster, I barely fed it), and I was on that movie festival, so I had the shitty connection and we ended up d/c'd at the same moment halfway through the quest, so we kinda left it as it was. But I really haven't played because now Carma got some issues with his computer and sent it on repair ; since we're trying to keep our characters at about the same level I prefer staying off when he isn't there, because I know I wouldn't like him to get a ton of levels while I'm unable to play.

    So for PSOBB, most likely I'll check if you're on or let you know through MSN when I'm about to play with Carma. I guess I could use one of the three other chars (ina-zumaaaaa) I've made but I'm not really feeling to play on them other than for soloing for now. When he's back, probably we'll get the few days he's on for PSU while the event is still around, both because he couldn't try it out yet, and so I can get a bit more levels while there's still an XP boost. Once the event ended, or even before if we get bored of it, I'll most likely switch back to BB till the next interesting event.
  10. Okay, I'll MSN you sometime. I kinda need to stay off the game for a couple of days while I sort some things out, but I'll definitely get back to you. And I'll probably be playing PSO a little more since people have been asking me about it, so if you and Carma still play there then we should definitely party more. Our Olga Flow party was a lot of fun.
  11. Not really have a particular time during which he'd be better.
    So, pretty much any day from this weekend to when your sub ends, as long as it can be finished before 10pm EST.
    I really need to stop going to sleep at 6am, it's doing me no good, both physically and routine-wise.

    Just hit me up on MSN so we can do that if I happen to not be on when you login ; because I'm not on the game doesn't necessarily mean I'm not up to log on it. I only jump on the game when I'm pretty sure I'm gonna find at least one person to play with, so there's times I don't ever show up unless someone provides me with a good enough reason to do so.

    No worries for the vagueness. You have your ups and downs like everyone else. Nobody's perfect.

    (Besides me. )
  12. My last day is on the 28th, I'd be happy to get some pics with you. Just let me know whenever's best for you.

    We were a tad busy with a shoot yesterday, so I apologize for being vague.
  13. When's your sub ending again?
    I'd enjoy taking a few pics with you and whoever else.
    I never got to do this kind of stuff (besides for Deja's comic) and my laptop fails for high-res pics.

    I'm not insisting on it or anything, but since your reply when I asked for the same thing yesterday was awfully vague and unrelated, I really didn't get whether you were up for it or not.
    I can get over not doing it at all, I just need a straightforward answer. =p

    That said...

    This is CLAUDIIIIIIAAAAAA!!!! *kicks you in bottomless tits*
  14. I should have figured it was a bit small for an army. =|
    Oh well, at least I got to renew my basement stock.
  15. Only one of many bases.
  16. I found your loli army boot camp, just so you know.

  17. 1 ) They went surprisingly well. I'm just glad that horrible semester is behind me now.
    2 ) I dunno. I'm still not feeling any desire to play it right now. I've been on PSO every now and then though.
    5 ) PURPLE. OR BLUE.
    6 ) Go go Gadget web!
    7 ) I dunno either o_o
    8 ) Yay!
  18. [Monthly reminder]

    MmmMmmMmSSssssSsNNnnNnnnn~ :E
    *drools on your shoes*

    [New Year Quizz]
    1. How went your finals, finally (hahaha- funneh- hahaha) ?
    2. Are you planning on going back to PSU eventually ?
    3. WHAT... is your name ?
    4. WHAT... is your quest ?
    5. WHAT... is your favorite color ?
    6. How do I shot web ?
    7. ????
    8. PROFIT
  19. That's awesome XD

    And your Santa costume is perfect! Right down to the boots XD You got a good chuckle out of me when I first saw you earlier today.
  20. So... thoughts about my December special costume ?

    I'll post pics of it and the one I designed for Kaori in the Phashion thread somewhere during next week, if not tomorrow.

    Also, with Barn, we decided we would both host the Casino event in the same PedoSuit (justifies the pair I have on my sig) ; that way, we'll wear something equivalent to the Voloyal Set you females are all wearing.
    Oh yeah, and we'll host the blackjack with autorun locked on the table, so only the players with the strongest willpower (or their speakers off) will participate to several games at our table.
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