Conversation Between Forever Zero and ShadowDragon28

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi. I am currently not playing at the moment. I do have a character on ship 2 tho. I'll let you know when I return. Been kind of busy lately.
  2. hey I reunited with Ac9Breaker on PSO2 ship 2. If you still play, maybe consider transfering to ship 2 or making a new character on Ship 2? message me please? Peace
  3. damn i wish you where on Ship 2 lets try to make characrters on the same Ship on US servers so we can team up.
  4. I'm on ship 10, tho i'm not on very often. I'll be on more once US release is out.
  5. Forever Zero where are you??? Are you on the JP server's Ship 2?
  6. Hey, im on the Open Beta. I hope you were able to make a character on Ship 2 before its current situtuation. "ShadowDragon" is on Ship 2 block 21 or 22 if block 20 is full. Let me know what times you will be on. Well peace.
  7. Hey, I hope to join up with you on Closed Beta test. Take care, peace.
  8. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find you. I could only play a couple hours last night anyway tho. There's still the beta test to play when they release that.
  9. hey I'll be on Ship 2, Block 20 tonight on PSO2 second Alpha. My character is "Argus_Faraday" maybe we can try the quest with the Vol Dragon (still havn't gotten to fight him yet lol) well, later.
  10. Hi. Yes, I do plan on getting PSO2 once it's released. Looking forward to it.
  11. Hi FZ, long time no talk. Let me know if your going to get PSO 2. I'm going to try to get on PSO 2's second alpha test. I'm currently playing PSOBB on "BlueBurstServ", google it well, later..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11