Conversation Between Criss and FadingSmile

20 Visitor Messages

  1. Well, I'm going on now. But I can't guarantee anything fun though. I'm no big coordinator/leader type guy XD. And you... well I pretty much see you all the time on MSN (sometimes offline mode). But thats how Mahou coordinates parties, so should ask him about it.
  2. Well actually I haven't been on PSU much myself. It's back to the same old eventless mission running. The one thing worthy of mention would be that it's the time of the year for Jaggo Amore (if that's the name), so if you want a Love Inferno laser, now's the time to hunt.

    I'd get on PSU more if I could have friends online to play with, but I can't bother logging on to check and no one ever messages me to tell me to log on and join them. >.>
  3. Heh don't worry about it. I'm a forgettable guy especially with a name that I haven't used since... well actually its completely new. But I don't really plan on spreading it lol. Well whatever, have you been on PSU lately? Can ya give me any updates, like is it worth coming online and leaving Dead Space alone XD?
  4. Oh yeah, still have you. Forgot that was you. >.>
  5. Lol, well I have you =P. The ID name is Shinyue, yes I know weird but unfortunately for some reason they wouldnt accept my usual code names... I dont know but whatever. Can't change it now anyway. And I believe you already have me on the list since I got ya. Might have deleted me =P
  6. Well I can't really recommend any FPS for console because I can't stand the crappy joystick aiming and play that kind of game on PC with my trusty mouse. But apparently Killzone 2 is amazing. The only reason I haven't bought it is because the restrictive joystick angles of controllers and unnatural aiming just kills the immersion for me. I'm still disappointed that there's no mouse support for console FPS games, especially on PS3. There's enough USB ports and the console itself supports it in the XMB and internet browser, so there's no excuse.

    Anyways, if you ever feel like trying a racing game that's easy to pick up and enjoy, you should try Burnout Paradise. If you like RPGs, there's Eternal Sonata, Valkyria Chronicles that's more of a strategy RPG and FPS mix, Disgaea 3 that's an over-the-top strategy RPG with an insane amount of jobs/customization and a level cap of 9999 (that's not a typo) and Folklore that's more of an action RPG. As for horror... all I have to say is Dead Space. Play it on an HDTV, alone, at night, in the dark, with loud headphones on. But you already know about that, don't you?

    Btw, I don't think I have you on my PSN friendlist. What's your ID?
  7. Well I'm trying to get into FPS games, I asked my bro to find a good deal on Killzone 2 so Im getting that. But yeah I'm an RPG, FPS, and horror sometimes if Im not too scared lol. But there are plenty of other genres im interested in. It all really depends on what I see on vids haha
  8. Hehe, no prob. Dead Space is an awesome game, you might just have some trouble going back to RE5's sluggish controls after playing Dead Space. And the car game was probably Burnout Paradise. That game is just pure aggressive, crashing driving mayhem, is really fun, easy to pickup, and the devs are still patching the game and adding out new content even a year after its release.

    I could recommend other things... what genres do you like?
  9. Hey ya Criss, I believe your the one who recommended Dead Space to me when I first got the PS3. If not, I say thanks anyway. Its giving me jumps almost every time and I'm enjoying it very much =)
    Any other things you recommend, not really the racing or car kinda gamer, so thats why I didn't get that one car game you recommended
  10. Haha~ Enjoy that =) See ya when your back. As for the start of the carnival, I hear the first two games aren't that fun anyway =P. But we going have to play em anyway to open the others. Have fun thar~
  11. Luck isn't just "never kind". It's apparently nonexistant in my case, at least until proof of the opposite. The main reason I could stick to the hunting was because I was at least getting exp. Because there are only so many PAs useful to the mission that I can cap. Seeing SOME kind of progress makes it withstandable at least.

    Sure, never having what I want is irritating. But not "having the light shine" on me isn't as frustrating as having others flash me with their light. Sure, some people don't do it on purpose, but the effect is similar.

    Anyways, I'll be away this weekend so I won't be seeing the start of the event, unless I get some time to play friday. We're driving from Montreal to Quebec City to see the Red Bull Crashed Ice. I watched it on TV last year, but seeing it live will be awesome.
  12. Heh, I know what your feeling there Sryche. Luck is something thats never kind. Throughout GBR, I think I've seen about 5 LKKs drop right after I gave up soloing for my own lol... I gave up altogether on having good equips. I'll only have whats 'affordable' and I'd be happy.

    Though Alnet having his shinys makes it a little difficult. He just lucked out and worked hard on em. So he deserves what he gets. Just wish the light would shine on me every once and awhile...
  13. Dood, you could get Burnout Paradise. It's only 30$ from the PS Store if you can spare the HDD space, and you could get it even cheaper used at gamestop. The game is pure crazy reckless driving fun, and it has great online play. Aside from that Dead Space is amazing if you like scary atmospheres and dangerous freaky monsters. It's a bit on the short side though, so if you don't care about getting the trophies, you could just rent it and beat it in the weekend. But you need to play at night with light off, headphones on and volume at max for the full effect.
  14. Well for the moment I only have two games to my name lol. Low on the cash =(
    D3 and Little Big Planet. Any recommendations that I should consider on buying in the near or distance future?
  15. Haha I see, forgot D3 is out... if only I had a PS3 I'd be right there with ya... Make the most uber army ever!!!
  16. How are you, dood?

    I'm enjoying some hardcore Disgaea 3 playing right now, so I don't really have much time for PSU these days. I'll log on to at least say hi to people sometime soon. :3
  17. Dood, where ya at. I see ya on MSN (I'm on offline mode). Wheres the PSU playing! Stop playing your PS3/360! PSU is fun
  18. Ah, just couple of places. First was in Germany and now I'm here in London. It was crazy in Germany though, so many clubs so little time haha
  19. Hey, nice getting news from you. So how's Europe? What countries have you visited? o.o

    Things on PSU are pretty quiet. We got a new mission on moatoob with all fire enemies, and besides that most people are PA leveling. When are you gonna be back?
  20. Whats up Sryche, hows the bullet thing coming? Anyways, never knew something like this was added. See yas online. Rawr right back at ya!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 20