Conversation Between Powder Keg and Adriano

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks dude
  2. Happy, Birthday, Buster!
  3. Arrrrteeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  4. Laughed hard LOL.
  5. MAH BOI
  6. lol Inorite?
  7. lmfao @ pic a few comments down
  8. Oh thanks Mang,
    Aye It iz mai burfdae
  9. O SNAPZ is it your burfdae?

    Happy Birthday!
  10. lolhi2umeign
  11. omghi
  12. OH man, Skeeter rofl.
    He was high clrly.
  13. hey doug! *honk honk!*
  14. rofl, "Like that show doug."
    Porkchop was the shit.
  15. OMFG ROFL!
  16. oh and welcome back and what not powdar.
  17. Oh well aren't I jealous. And nope, you missed more dissapointment, and lawl I actually go to the officials now, psow isnt dramatic enough. : o
  18. was on vacation in ocean city.

    From the looks of it, doesn't look like I missed much psu-wise, lulz
  19. whar iz yoo :0, you haz disapeerd
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 27
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